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Golf Courses are open again in all 50 States
Check in every week for the unfiltered opinions of our writers and editors as they break down the hottest topics in the sport, and join the conversation by tweeting us @golf_com. This week we discuss how the pandemic will affect the game, the two upcoming matches, incredible rounds and more.
1. Golf courses are open again in all 50 states, and the PGA Tour is scheduled to resume in four weeks, but in ways large and small, the game looks and feels very different than it did before the coronavirus. When we look back on this period a few years from now, on which part of the game will the pandemic have had the most lasting impact?
Dylan Dethier, senior writer (@dylan_dethier): The optimist in me hopes, with so many other activities ruled out, that golf is going to thrive and new golfers everywhere will try and love the game! The pessimist side of me thinks that courses already struggling to make ends meet may close for good. Let’s hope Person No. 1 is much more correct.
Josh Sens, senior writer (@JoshSens): I think both Dylans are correct here. Courses that had serious pre-existing conditions heading into this are likely to shutter, but others seem bound to enjoy a kind of renaissance, especially as golfers seek out more affordable options. Could it be a Golden Age for munis? Competing forces at work here, of course, as city budgets dwindle. But a low-price course that can keep its greens in decent condition will be a hot commodity. An industry consultant I spoke with said he’s expecting what he called “The Great Cleanse.” Cleanses aren’t pleasant, but they can have some healthy results. Let’s hope.
Sean Zak, senior editor (@Sean_Zak): I think some of the smartest-run courses will thrive, and the less smart ones will be wise to follow whatever it is the smart ones do. Is it mowing less? Do accoutrements like flower beds along the course driveways just never get planted? It sucks, but the courses that were already struggling to make ends meet are probably going to struggle even more. Then again, all of us golfers can show a little awareness and play them until the fairways bleed.
Nick Piastowski, senior editor (@nickpia): I see an impact on the camaraderie that the game provides. How long will it be before you feel safe shaking hands again? How long will it be before you feel safe riding in a cart again with someone? How long will it be before you feel safe sitting in the clubhouse and enjoying a burger and beer with 50 people in the room? I really hope it’s a short time, but none of us know.
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